This page contains posts about health, and covers topics such as Covid-19, Aged Care, Mental Health, Occupational Health, Public Health, Tobacco/Vaping, Health Insurance and Workers’ Compensation.
- Vale Marg White
- NDIS and Health System in Crisis- what is the answer?
- Health Insurance Executive Targeted in New York
- Social Media Ban misses the point- it’s about Algorithms
- DVA Still Screwing Veterans
- Science Starts to Respond to the Legal System
- The Australia Card and Data
- ‘Health Policy’
- Hospital Crisis is just part of the story.
- How Much Exercise Should You Do?
- Loneliness is a Major Public Health Issue
- Advocacy to Delay the Silica Benchtops Ban
- Smoker with Lung Cancer Sues Crown Casino
- Classification of Impairment
- Fracking for Gas Destroys Farmland
- The Silicosis Epidemic- A Symptom of Wider Regulatory Failure
- Please Write Submission re Vaping by 16 January
- Trust – a letter to Ross Gittins, who wrote the below article on Trust
- A Scientific Approach to Conspiracy Theories
- China Relaxes COVID Zero Policy
- Brittany Higgins trial shows that legal system is not fit for purpose
- iCare- a letter to the Editor of the Sydney Morning Herald
- British American Tobacco launches new Campaign to legitimise Vaping.
- BUGA UP – the issues keep resurfacing
- BUGA UP Nostalgia
- Submission to Inquiry into Online Gambling
- Vaping- A WHO Guide
- Priorities for a Pro-Life US State Senator
- Government protects Bonuses of iCare Executives while workers are dudded.
- What is Needed in Health
- Belated Federal Govt. Action on Vaping
- COVID19 Viral Shedding is unrelated to Symptom Severity
- Bullshit Jobs
- Vaping- the beginnings of a disease description
- The Smoke Screen Recurs.
- Vaping is Now Endemic
- Loneliness and its solutions
- Djokovic goes to Gaol or exile while Hillsong goes Scott-Free.
- NDIS- An Unsuccessful Privatisation of the Welfare System
- Djokovic Fiasco reflects no credit on Australia
- Fake Science now an Industry
- COVID Day 4- a non-PCR Day
- COVID Up Close
- It is Hard to get COVID tests and likely to get Harder
- Scientific Fraud
- BUGA UP- Episode 4 of the Earshot Series on Advertising
- ‘Government Responsibility’ is needed, not just ‘Personal Responsibility’.
- Mental Health and Physical Health
- Tasmania Wants 90% of Adults Double Vaccinated before Opening the Border
- Motivation and Money
- Victorian Government Bites the Bullet and Mandates Vaccination
- What Has Gone Wrong in Australia?
- Please Sign the Petition to stop the COVID Lockdown Ending Prematurely
- Irresponsible COVID Policies will Destroy the Federal and NSW Liberals
- COVID Vaccine Works!
- Attitudes to Anti-Vaxxers- a parallel with smokers?
- Is There a Role for the Military in Vaccination?
- NDIS Individual Assessments; A Symptom of a Wider Problem
- COVID19 Vaccines Reduce Transmission
- Aged Care Ad
- NSW Govt tries to Blame Limousine Driver for New Sydney COVID Outbreak
- NDIS= Privatisation of Welfare
- CTP Insurers Pay 6.3% of Premiums to Injured People. They keep the rest.
- iCare= Hopeless in Two Reports but the Bad Joke Continues
- Clotting Risk from Vaccines and COVID19 Infection
- Politicisation of Vaccine Rollout has caused the Problems
- Vaccines and Probabilities
- Labour Hire Companies facilitate Wage Scams
- COVID Vaccine Efficacy
- Sex, God, Anger, Mental Health, Guns, and Racism
- Aged Care Reform Now
- Research shows Gambling Increases Mortgage Defaults
- Privatisation of Quarantine = Government Collecting Money for Corporations- Permanently??
- Health Effects of Coal
- COVID Problems Caused by Lack of Respect for Knowledge
- Police Leaving the Police On Medical Grounds Triples- Why?
- Are Google Algorithms Reinforcing Anti-Science positions? 3 Feb. 2021
- Morrison’s Non-Policies in Aged Care led to COVID Deaths 8/1/21
- Veterans’ PTSD costs $241 million 3/1/21
- Privatisation of Research will Kill Millions due to Vaccine Non-Availability 30/12/20
- Cooperation on COVID Vaccines? 13/12/20
- COVID19 Vaccine Roll Out 11/12/20
- US Health System and COVID-19 11/12/20
- Aged care: What is the prognosis? 15/11/20
- Medicine, Reality and the US vote 11/11/20
- Marketing Obesity to Children 11/10/20
- COVID19 Second Wave is Happening in Europe 9/10/20
- Vale Trevor Morling – the Passive Smoking Judgement of 1991, 10/6/20
- The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest in Sydney 6/6/20
- Mental Illness and Stupidity 3/6/20
- Truth in the COVID-19 Era: Australia
- Truth in the COVID-19 Era: The USA
- COVID-19: A large range of Pathological Processes
- COVID-19: The Swedish Response. Is it OK?
- COVID-19: The Swedish Response. Is it OK? 27/5/20
- CoronaVirus COVID-19: Did China do a good job?
- COVID-19: Origin of the Pandemic- 2nd Article
- COVID-19 Non-Treatment, American Style Points to the Need to Fix Medicare
- AEC Approves Anti-Vaxxer Party name change
- US Health System is worst to control COVID-19 Epidemic