Doctor and activist

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Tag: Governance

Gun-Toting Protesters Invade Michigan Capitol Building

3 May 2020 Protesters, some armed with automatic weapons invaded the Michigan Capitol (State Parliament) to protest at the State Governor wanting to extend her lock-down powers. It is illegal to carry placards into the legislature, as they might damage the paintwork but open carrying of guns is legal in Michigan. Michigan is the 10th […]

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AEC Approves Anti-Vaxxer Party name change

3 May 2020 In a move that will surely damage it credibility the Australian Electoral Commission has approved a name change for the ‘Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) Party’ to be called the ‘Informed Medical Options Party’. Amazingly this was under the Australian Electoral Act, as it did not allow confusion with another party, was not […]

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Angus Taylor Must Resign

30 April 2020The Energy Minister Angus Taylor must resign. He told Parliament that he had downloaded Clover Moore’s travel expenses from the Sydney City Council website, but NSW Police have stated that they have looked at the metadata and this is not possible.  He claimed that Council international travel expenses were $15 million, but they […]

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Workers Compensation- WIRO the Watchdog is beheaded 11/12/19.

In the sad saga of treating NSW Workers Comp patients it is hard to know where a bad deal becomes a rip off becomes a scam becomes systemic fraud, but the NSW insurance scheme is a long way down the track.  Much worse than the Banks. The Hayne Royal Commission did not get to the […]

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Welfare- the target of the conservatives.

2 November 2016 They can spend a fortune on Joint Strike Fighters that the Canadians have abandoned as a bad joke. They can spend $50 million putting diesel engines in French nuclear submarines. They can spend more being cruel to refugees than the entire UNHCR (Commission for Refugees) budget, but they still claim to be […]

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Limits to the Market and a Solution for Australia? 15/5/17

Since the last two world wars were over markets, it was assumed at the conference at Bretton Woods that if there were free markets everywhere there would be no wars and countries who did well would prosper. It worked.  Germany and Japan traded in markets that had been denied to them pre-war and ‘won the […]

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A Law is Coming to Get Ready for Negative Interest Rates 2/8/19

A Recession Alert!  A Law is Coming to Get Ready for Negative Interest Rates, but it being sold as just another move against the ‘black economy.  The bill is the ‘Currency (Restriction Use of Cash) Bill 2019’. Cash is used in the black economy to avoid tax. But when the GST came in, the obvious […]

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Centrelink- an Encounter 9/6/16

Sometimes we have little experiences that are wake up calls.  We need to note them, and act on them. I have little to do with Centrelink.  Like most North Shore doctors I assume it does its job, and also tacitly assume it has nothing to do with me.  It wrote to me about 6 months […]

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Crimeless Victims 22/12/19

We hear of ‘victimless crimes’ like urinating in a park when all the toilets are shut, or jaywalking.  Every now and then a politician wants kudos for actually stating that they are not going to prosecute (and they are going to save on legal system time). But more important are ‘crimeless victims’ where the neglect […]

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Amorality and Unaccountability is Now the Norm. 7/2/20

We see Trump not impeached on Party lines with only Mitt Romney crossing the floor.  Sure he may have bent US foreign policy to attack a political rival, but hey, he is on our side and we want to win the election[1].  Meanwhile over in Oz, the Auditor-General finds that the Deputy Leader of the […]

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