Doctor and activist

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Tag: Liberals

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Welfare- the target of the conservatives.

2 November 2016 They can spend a fortune on Joint Strike Fighters that the Canadians have abandoned as a bad joke. They can spend $50 million putting diesel engines in French nuclear submarines. They can spend more being cruel to refugees than the entire UNHCR (Commission for Refugees) budget, but they still claim to be […]

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Amorality and Unaccountability is Now the Norm. 7/2/20

We see Trump not impeached on Party lines with only Mitt Romney crossing the floor.  Sure he may have bent US foreign policy to attack a political rival, but hey, he is on our side and we want to win the election[1].  Meanwhile over in Oz, the Auditor-General finds that the Deputy Leader of the […]

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Medicare- Did the Liberals try to abolish it?

21 June 2016 This is a current question with Shorten claiming that the Liberals are trying to privatise it and Turnbull calling this a Labor lie. What is the truth?  The answer is in the history of Medicare funding.  Medibank was set up by the Whitlam government and the bulk billing frees were set at […]

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