Doctor and activist

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Tag: Public Health

NDIS- National Disability Insurance System.

1 July 2017 I have grave fears for this system. I am unsure even of the goodwill of some of its advocates. I was on the Social Issues Committee of the NSW Parliament and we looked at Disability services and the way that these were delivered. Basically if you ask how big the disability problem […]

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Medicare- Did the Liberals try to abolish it?

21 June 2016 This is a current question with Shorten claiming that the Liberals are trying to privatise it and Turnbull calling this a Labor lie. What is the truth?  The answer is in the history of Medicare funding.  Medibank was set up by the Whitlam government and the bulk billing frees were set at […]

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Regulating fighting

20 June 2016 The Queensland Parliamentary Finance and Administration Committee has reported on the need for regulation of contact sports  in Queensland.  It resolved to do nothing!  Currently only Qld and Northern Territory are ‘self regulating’.  There were 8 submissions, 3 from medical associations, (AMA College of Surgeons, and Qld Brain Institute), 4 were from […]

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